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Our group is interested in developing advanced drug delivery systems for therapeutic purposes using biocompatible materials such as polymers, lipids, metallic nanocrystals, and many others.

我們實驗室主要利用生醫材料 (如高分子、脂質、金屬奈米結構等) 致力於開發各類先進藥物遞送系統,並應用於不同的疾病模式,以期能做為疾病的治療策略之一。


We are seeking for highly motivated undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers  to join us!



​最新消息 Group News

2023/2/9 誠徵 博士後研究員 
2023/1/3 歡迎  Hsuan Liang和 Chijen Huang加入我們的實驗室~
2022/12/7 恭賀 Kun-Chi 錄取輔仁大學碩士班!!
2022/11/11 恭賀 Jiun-Cheng 錄取陽明交通大學碩士班!!
2022/07/01 歡迎  Michelle Chang和 Tina Chou加入我們的實驗室~ 

2022/06/21 恭賀 Li-Heng 及 Kun-Chi 獲得科技部補助大專學生研究計畫!

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