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Current Research Goal
Transient receptor potential channels (TRP channels) are non-selective cation channels, most of which are present in sensory nerves. TRP channels can sense cold, heat, mechanical force, or osmotic stress, and convey associated stimulus signals through sensory nerves to enable the body to respond appropriately to the related changes in the exogenous or endogenous environment. In recent years, a growing body of evidence has shown that TRP channels are located in not only neurons but cells of numerous types, including epithelial cells, endothelial cells, immune cells, bone cells, adipocytes, and even some tumor cells. The activation of TRP channels influences molecular signal transduction inside these cells, so is crucial in both physiological and pathophysiological processes. However, the aforementioned stimulations are difficult to be manipulated accurately when applied to animals or human beings. Therefore, we aim to develop TRP-channel-activator delivery platforms to mimic the sensations that are caused by those stimulations, in order to realize the goal of controlled release of TRP activator as part of therapeutic strategies against TRP channel-related diseases.
瞬態電壓感受通道 (transient receptor potential channel, 簡稱TRP通道),為一種非選擇性陽離子通道。這些TRP通道起初大多發現於感覺神經中,他們能夠感受冷、熱、機械力等,並傳達這些刺激訊號讓身體可以產生相對應的反應,以便因應環境的變化。近年來,愈來愈多報導指出TRP通道不僅僅只存在於神經系統中,表皮細胞、內皮細胞、骨細胞、免疫細胞、脂肪細胞、甚至是部份的腫瘤癌細胞都可以發現TRP通道的蹤跡。TRP通道的活化影響了這些細胞內部的分子訊息傳遞,使其無論在正常生理狀態或是疾病的病程中皆伴扮演關鍵的調控角色。然而,冷、熱、痛這些感覺性的刺激若要實際應用在動物或是人體上並不容易被精準地調控。有鑑於此,我們的研究團隊聚焦於發展TRP通道的藥物遞送平台來模擬這些感覺所帶來的刺激,以期達成控制釋放的目標並做為疾病的治療方針。

Previous Research (in Prof. Hsing-Wen Sung’s Lab at NTHU)
Dr. Yu-Jung Lin took responsibility for developing a nitric oxide (NO)-evolving carrier system to prolong the activity NO, which has a short half-life. In situ self-assembly of a micellar NO depot can largely prevent access of the NO scavengers (such as hemoglobin) from the generated NO bubbles. The concept has been used to reverse osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats, and to enhance radiotherapy in tumor-bearing mice. Dr. Lin has also been involved in developing hydrogen gas-generating platforms, inspired by photosynthesis. An NIR laser can be used to control the generation and release of hydrogen gas, with great potential in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.
過去參與過的研究 (@清大化工系宋信文教授實驗室)
林鈺容博士主要開發了一系列一氧化氮生成載體系統,當介面活性分子與一氧化氮氣泡自我組裝形成一氧化氮膠束倉庫時 (micellar NO depot),能夠提供物理性屏壁防止一氧化氮被降解,藉此達到延長一氧化氮活性的作用。此部份的研究成果應用在大鼠骨質疏鬆的延緩以及小鼠腫瘤幅射增敏反應皆有顯著的治療效應。另一方面,林博士協助建立氫氣生成載體系統,將光催化產氫的概念 (photocatalytic hydrogen generation)放入微脂體奈米平台。透過近紅外光雷射的刺激來控制氫氣的生成及釋放,並將其應用在發炎性疾病的治療。

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